Hello from beautiful New Zealand - and why this blog has been soooooo quiet lately


I feel I spend half my time with booking flights, hotels and cars in different cities and I always think I will have all the time in the World to update this blog. After every single trip - without fail - I get home and get overwhelmed with how much more behind I've got with work BECAUSE of the travel - which means meetings.I must learn better time management I guess.

While I'm traveling around Australia due to other commitments; this blog has been a bit neglected. I wish there was a Siri update that takes notes of my thoughts so I don't have to wait till I can write them down..

Having lack of time and not being much of a writer either I recorded a little video update on my way home from my last trip (this time New Zealand). BIG THANK YOU to my awesome friend, Steph (who joined me for the weekend in Auckland) to be videographer of this snippet.

Note: It was about 6am in the morning (waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early for looking fresh (me) or play pro videographer(Steph), we were both rather tired from the weekend and as neither of us is a master of film making: please excuse us if the quality is not top notch. :)

Stay Beautiful! xxx

Agi Magyar

Adelaide based boudoir photographer in sunny Australia - destination boudoir is the new black :)