Behind The Scenes Of A Boudoir Shoot // Miss Gy

Let me guess: if you are reading this blog post you are probably one of those girls who's been toying with the idea of booking your boudoir shoot but just can't for the life of you imagine actually doing it. Or at least not until you lose a few kilos, get back into your pre-baby body or get to the gym for at least 5 times a week for a year... Am I right?

Maybe I'm not - which I'm hoping for -, but maybe you just need to see how it works behind the scenes of those pretty pictures.

Well, I have it all for you :) The girl who you see in these pictures was like you. Doubtful of how she would portray on a boudoir shoot, what to wear, how to pose... Then voila! She pulled it off like a pro!

She was pampered before she had to get front of my camera, she was coached by me how to pose and the whole team made sure she was comfortable and had fun the whole time she was with us.

Miss Gy is the perfect example of breaking down barriers in your head and go for what you might have thought doesn't fit your personality. Getting out of your comfort zone can bring you big surprises - and in this case; some gorgeous photos that will forever remind this girl that she is beautiful, JUST THE WAY SHE IS. :)

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Big thank you to Janine Speake Photography for the behind the scenes shots, Gabriella Szabo for the fabulous hair, Stefania Csorba for the stunning makeup and the Brody House for the cool location of this shoot in Budapest, Hungary!

Stay Beautiful xx


Agi Magyar

Adelaide based boudoir photographer in sunny Australia - destination boudoir is the new black :)