Why does size NOT matter // AT ALL!


Before I start this blog post I'd like to point out that I am the same as all you ladies who are reading this; a girl who's keeping a close eye on the scale so I totally understand the head space of a girl who's worried about their dress size! QuoteImage6

Now, what made me write this little not: Last year I've lost a fair bit of weight due to a rough start and was overly happy to see my dress size shrinking with the kilos that were coming off me. After pulling myself back together and feeling great again I wanted to make sure the kilos stay off so I've been keeping my training routine (sort of), been watching my calorie intake however I make sure that while my diet is controlled I'm not starving myself or ordering salad when all my friends are eating pizza at the Italian! Life is good and we shall enjoy it, right?

The best part of my weight loss was seeing the dress size on the labels.. :) While this may be most of our main measure of what slim or chubby is; it is also the most ridicilous out of all! I'm not saying that I was crying when I bought my first size 8 dress last year (or that skirt that is extra small!) but I should have been a bit suspicious because my size was - for years - size 10 or 12.

Let me get this straight: I'm 178cm (5'11") tall and 65kg. That is anything but skinny or extra small. If I would all of a sudden need to buy extra small clothes that would sure make me cry! There would be a problem.

The bubble burst a couple of weeks ago when I've got some pants from the UK and while all of them were size 10 (UK) only 1 of them fit me. Go figure. I ordered a dress online in size UK 10 (which I have always assumed the same as AU 10) and I had to send it back because it was too small.

When I've received 2 items ordered from the same website and cut the labels out it all came clear to me: while brand 1 is showing that UK 10 is EU 36 the other says it's EU 38... Oh, and when I ordered a medium size dress from the US and it had to be taken in almost 2 sizes? That was my best skinny moment! Again: go figure. And how could I forget shopping in Asian countries where everything is designed for the shorter, smaller ladies?

Different brands seem to have different sizing measures and we should all be aware of this - instead of worrining about the number on the label!

My conclusion from this is that SIZE DOES NOT MATTER! Clearly; no one can tell you what size you are exactly!

Ladies, enjoy who you are, embrace it, show off what you are proud of and forget those stupid labels in the back of your dresses! At the end of the day; what makes the dress fabulous is not the dress but who's wearing it! Hold your pretty head up high and smile at the World because you are gorgeous just the way you are!

Stay Beautiful!


Agi Magyar

Adelaide based boudoir photographer in sunny Australia - destination boudoir is the new black :)